The premiere of the documentary “Land and Power in Lagos” marked another pivotal milestone in a groundbreaking project that explores...
The premiere of the documentary “Land and Power in Lagos” marked another pivotal milestone in a groundbreaking project that explores...
The IADS honoured outstanding researchers today, Thursday, December 5, by presenting award plaques and prizes to its distinguished awardees. Dr....
The Institute of African and Diaspora Studies, University of Lagos announced the winner of Rahamon Bello award for the best...
The Lagos Conference on Lagos Theme: Our Lagos, Their Lagos: Autochthony, Conflicted Identity and Structures of Power in 21st Century...
Last year, the Institute of African and Diaspora Studies (IADS) and the International Office of the University of Lagos organized...
Prof. Liqhuwa Siziba led a team of researchers from the North-West University, South Africa, to the Institute of African and...
UNILAG African Cluster Centre invites you to her monthly Principal Investigator’s meeting by Dr. Ademola Fayemi on Wednesday, October 16,...
Delegates from the UNILAG African Cluster Centre, Institute of African and Diaspora Studies, University of Lagos are participating in the...
Dr. Olokodana-James delivered a thought-provoking lecture on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at the Institute of African and Diaspora Studies, University...
The Theme of the Traditional Medicine day and Exhibition this year is – “Traditional Medicine: Research and Development” organized by...
On August 9, 2017 IADS UNILAG, was inaugurated, following a series of events attended by staff and students including invited guests and the media. The former Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos, Prof. Rahamon Bello accompanied by the University Management was on hand to unveil the IADS signpost at the J. P. Clark Centre.
This was followed by an inauguration lecture entitled “The Global Migration Crisis: Identity, Ethical and Economic Entailment”, which was delivered by Prof. Abolade Adeniji of the Department of History and International Studies, Lagos State University.
The premiere of the…
The IADS honoured outstanding…
The Institute of African…