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M.Phil Courses



AFS 901

AFS 902

AFS 903

AFS 904

AFS 905

AFS 906

AFS 907

AFS 908

AFS 949

Research Methods in African and Diaspora Studies

Politics and Power of Knowledge Production

Issues in African and Diaspora Studies

Harlem Renaissance Thinkers

M.Phil. Research Seminar I

African Arts and Aesthetics

M.Phil. Research Seminar II

Grammatical Features of African Languages

M.Phil. Dissertation


AFS 901: Research Methods in African and Diaspora Studies

This course will cover research methods specifically for topics in African and Diaspora Studies

AFS 902: Politics and Power of Knowledge Production

This course discusses global ideas about knowledge production, especially as they reflect the epistemologies of the global North and South.  Question of the goal and purpose of knowledge production are raised. The global discussion then dovetails into the Traditional ways of knowledge production and dissemination in Africa. Knowledge for whom, for what?  Questions of hegemonies, contradictions and politicization of knowledge production are discussed. Race issues as they affect knowledge production and the institutions that produce them will also be addressed.

AFS 903: Issues in African and Diaspora Studies

It will cover emerging issues in African and Diaspora Studies. Topics, issues and debate in the discipline will be revisited

AFS 904: Harlem Renaissance Thinkers

This course will commence with a discussion of the emergence of the New Negro Movement and the Harlem writers, singers and artist of the early 20th century. Ideas of some of the more significant Harlem thinkers such as Langston Hughes, Claude Mckay, Zora Nearle Hurston, Aaron Douglas and Alain Locke will be discussed. It is expected that the ideas of the Civil Rights Movement in America and other parts of the world will be addressed in this course.

AFS 905: Seminar I

Theoretical Methodological Proposals for Candidate’s research proposal

AFS 906: African Arts and Aesthetics

Engaging in the understanding and interpretation of Art and Art forms is very significant to appreciating and situating the African mind-set. This course will engage advanced students of African studies with the necessary tools to appreciate, interpret and curate some of the significant African art works. A study of the critical elements of African Art, the implications of African Art for Religion and the aesthetic theories which explain African Art as objectifying Religions and Culture will be discussed

AFS 907: Seminar II

Pre-dissertation research findings and their implications

AFS 908: Grammatical Features of African Languages

This course provides discussions relating to lexical and non-lexical characteristic features of African languages. Scholarly debates on theoretical and methodological perspectives to the study of African languages will be engaged. Classification of African languages into families will also be discussed

AFS 949: M.Phil. Dissertation

This is in exceptional cases when candidates decide to terminate at the M.Phil. level or are unable to proceed to the Ph.D. level.