The premiere of the documentary Land and Power in Lagos marked another pivotal milestone in a groundbreaking project that explores the intricate relationship between land, power, and urban development in Lagos. This event, the second major deliverable of the initiative, follows a thought-provoking workshop held in July 2024, where the project’s core themes were first debated and dissected.

This leg of the project brought together academics, researchers, and curious minds from across the African university community to witness the unveiling of this cinematic piece. The documentary served as a lens through which viewers could delve into the layered narratives of land ownership, displacement, and governance in Lagos.

Following the screening, an engaging debate unfolded, inviting diverse perspectives and fostering a deeper understanding of the project’s scope and significance. A spirited symposium provided a platform for critical reflections and scholarly exchanges on the themes presented.

At the heart of the project are Dr. Bisoye Eleshin and Prof. Taibat Lawanson, the principal investigators, who shared insightful reviews of the documentary, weaving together its academic and societal relevance. Their reflections illuminated the documentary’s role as a bridge between research and public discourse, challenging attendees to think critically about the intersections of land and power in African urban spaces.

This project, funded by the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence in African Studies, University of Bayreuth, exemplifies the power of collaborative research. It continues to shine a light on the complexities of African cities, fostering dialogue and inspiring solutions to pressing urban challenges.

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